Tag Archives: author discussion group
March 2022 Writers Roundtable
Tuesday, March 8, 2022 from 6-7:30PM
Writers Roundtable
(A monthly, informal discussion where we talk about topics relevant to today’s working author.)
March’s topic: “Learning By Doing”
We all make mistakes. Sometimes we learn from them,
sometimes we don’t. Tonight we have the opportunity
to learn from each other’s past mistakes as we share and discuss
what we would do differently with our first book, or our latest.
The marketplace is constantly changing and as writers we must adapt
to be successful in it. Join us for an open discussion where we will
talk about what we’ve learned “the hard way” not in terms of regrets,
but in terms of the lessons we’ve learned as professional writers.
Writing does NOT have to be a solitary art!
Share, learn and get inspired
along with other working authors
from the comfort of your own home!
(where wine is always on the house!)
Moderated by Eric James Miller
This will be another virtual meeting via Zoom.
The meeting invite will be sent out to the WSN Community
in the March Newsletter.
(FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!!)
Writers Roundtable – October 2021
Tuesday, October 12, 2021 from 6-7:30PM
Writers Roundtable
(A monthly, informal discussion where we talk about topics relevant to today’s working author.)
October’s topic: “Using Memories for Sequels” – how the cherished things in our characters’ lives tell their story and yours.
We will be talking about how memory can be used to spark creativity,
and how we can make our character’s memories sequel worthy.
There will be time for those in attendance to
this time in relation to how it explores the past.
(moderated by Eric James Miller and Greg Blake Miller)
This will be another virtual meeting via Zoom.
Passcode: 626389
(FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!!)
Writers Roundtable – May 2020
Writers Roundtable
(Join us for our monthly discussion where we talk about topics relevant to today’s working author.)
Tuesday, May 19th, 2020
from 6-7:15 PM
(if you did not receive the dial-in instructions contact us and we will be happy to send them to you)
Topic: “Elsewhere: Writing About The World Far From Home”
Join us for our monthly discussion where we talk about topics relevant to today’s working author.
Ready to get out? We can help you, in the virtual sense!
Join Writers of Southern Nevada and Olympian Creative
at 6 p.m. on May 19 on Zoom for our first-ever WSN Virtual Writers Roundtable.
This month’s theme is “Elsewhere: Writing about the world far from home.”
Literature has always transported readers to faraway places and alternative corners of the soul.
And we all need a little of that right now.
Zoom in to share and discuss your short stories or excerpts (1000 words or less, please)
that explore settings that are distant in space and time.
UNLV writing professor and Olympian Creative director Greg Blake Miller will moderate.
(FREE!!! FREE!!! FREE!!!)
Writers Roundtable – February 2020
“How to Breathe Life into Your Characters”
with Morgan St. James
Creating characters doesn’t have to be daunting. It is important to remember that the reader
sees events through the eyes of the players in your story.
Morgan St. James will lead us in a discussion about drawing on our own
emotional experiences and using a notebook as a personal databank
to tap into our own impressions and avoid cliches.
Tuesday February 11, 2020 from 6:30 – 7:30 PM
inside the Coffee Press
at the Paseo Verde Library in Green Valley Ranch, Henderson.
Writers Roundtable: January 2020
Writers Roundtable
Tuesday, January 14th, 2020
from 6:30-7:30PM
(inside the Coffee Press at Paseo Verde Library in Green Valley Ranch)
Topic: “Putting Distractions To Work For Us”
(The Upside of Meg-xit, WW3 And Other Rabbit Holes)
Join us for our monthly discussion where we talk about topics relevant to today’s working author.
This month, in the wake of Meg-xit, is a great time to look at the fragility and the solace of our writing routines. After almost two full months of holiday after holiday where are we at with our new 2020 Resolutions? Are we still returning gifts? Are we still trying to figure out what just happened? Is the news not making any sense at all anymore? Should we be pooling our money to buy a small fleet of RV’s to go live in northern Canada together for five to ten years? (where of course there’s still good internet access so that we can still upload our new novels and update the keywords on our Amazon pages?). Join us for a lively discussion about getting sh*^ done even in the midst of chaos and carving out our own little refuges every time we sit down to write. Time permitting, we’ll also talk about turning distractions into (sometimes lucrative) inspirations.
Feel free to bring something that you are currently working on to share with the group if you like.
Open Forum, with WSN Members Diane Taylor and Eric Miller kicking off the discussion.
(free for WSN Members and first time guests / $5 non-members)
December 2019 Writers Roundtable
Topic: “Holiday Stories”
(What Makes Them Sell?)
Join us for our annual discussion and reading of holiday stories. We’ll start out with a discussion of what makes a memorable holiday story—referring back to some classics (feel free to bring examples)—and then read and discuss excerpts from our own holiday-themed work.
Greg Blake Miller, UNLV writing professor and author of the story collection Decemberlands, will lead the discussion.
(free for WSN Members and first time guests / $5 non-members)
Writers Roundtable – August 2019
Our next Writers Roundtable
will be on Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Topic: TBD
2019: June Writer’s Roundtable
Tuesday, June 11, 6:30-7:30PM
(inside the Coffee Press at Paseo Verde Library in Green Valley Ranch)
John Pirillo has been publishing mystery-adventure and sci-fi titles on Amazon since 2014. He is going to discuss recent changes he has noticed in the world of Amazon and other book sites, discuss his experience, look at a few other successful self-published authors and and provide a hand-out of links and resources he finds useful. Everyone will be invited to join in on the discussion and share their own self-promotion ups and downs. This promises to be an open, honest and insightful conversation!
2019: May Writers Roundtable
This one is a little different, but should prove interesting:
“Analogue Writing About a Digital World”
How do we portray a screen-based world in our fiction and nonfiction?
Moderator Greg Blake Miller is going to bring some essays (including a great one by Oliver Sacks)
to discuss and as always we invite attendees to share examples of artful portrayals of the modern wired age
(such as “Black Mirror” and the recent movie “Searching”).
2019: April Writers Roundtable
Tuesday, April 9, 6:30-7:30PM
(inside the Coffee Press at Paseo Verde Library in Green Valley Ranch)
Topic: The Hook & the Cliffhanger: How To Keep Readers Hanging On
We will discuss examples from books that aren’t mysteries to illustrate the importance of hooks
and cliffhangers in all types of writing. Moderated by WSN Member Suzanne Munshower.
Suzanne is the author or ghostwriter of more than 30 books. Her work has been published by major houses in eight countries and six languages. Her books include a biography of Princess Margaret, Promote Your Way to Success (a self-help business book), the popular Simply Sophisticated: What Every Worldly Person Needs to Know, and the best-selling 2015 thriller, Younger (Thomas & Mercer). A former public relations consultant and magazine editor, she has ghostwritten for people ranging from fashion designers to psychiatrists. She currently ghostwrites independently and through three leading ghostwriting agencies. Don’t miss what promises to be a very entertaining and informative discussion! Bring your favorite examples of hooks and cliffhangers from either your favorite authors or your own work.
This is going to be an open forum discussion where everyone will be encouraged at the end to talk about their favorite hooks and cliffhangers (bring examples!) and how they use them in their own writing.
(free for WSN Members and first time guests / $5 non-members)