by Eric James Miller
“Las Vegas Next Exit”, a new web-based talk show produced by Rick Shipley, Robert H. Gwinn and Nick Houk, just wrapped production on it’s first episode and will be begin releasing regular new episodes on You Tube starting in early July. An off-shoot of the 2012/2013 You Tube talk show “Las Vegas Grit” “Las Vegas Next Exit” promises a more focused but equally fun look at local entertainers, writers, musicians and businesses in the Las Vegas Valley.
“We learned a lot doing Las Vegas Grit,” says executive producer and host Rick Shipley. “Now we want to take Next Exit to the next level and see it picked up by a local television station.”
Each show will be shot live at 1905 Film Studios at 5615 Cameron Street just off Russell and Decatur Blvds. using professional HD cameras and editing software. For special segments, the show’s crew also has the experience and equipment to take the show out of the studio when necessary.
Plans for upcoming shows include a game play segment, a focus on local musicians (the show’s featured band Dr. Harpo and the O’s sets the bar high!) and a look at local charitable organizations operating in Las Vegas.
The producers are currently looking for guests, or anyone with an idea for the show. If that’s you, contact Robert Gwinn via email at or by calling 702-701-6838.
Or, follow LVGNextExit on Facebook to keep up with their latest episodes and casting calls.
If you’re interested in producing your own talk show to highlight your business or endeavors, contact Nick Houck at 1905 Film Studios ( for more information. He’ll be happy to discuss your project with you whether you’re a newbie or seasoned pro.
(Eric James Miller is the President of Writers of Southern Nevada and the author of the For Rent Mystery Series. Book 1 in the series, “For Rent: Dangerous Paradise” is available in bookstores and various online retailers. Book 2, “For Rent: Haunted Neon” will be out later in 2014.)